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The String match() method

Find out all about the JavaScript match() method of a string

Given a regular expression identified by regex, try to match it in the string.


'Hi Flavio'.match(/avio/)
// Array [ 'avio' ]

'Test 123123329'.match(/\d+/)
// Array [ "123123329" ]

//Array [ "hey", "hey" ]

//Array [ "123s", "123", "s" ]

//Array [ "123456789", "9" ]


'123 s'.match(/^(\d{3})(?:\s)(\w+)$/)
//Array [ "123 s", "123", "s" ]

'I saw a bear'.match(/\bbear/)    //Array ["bear"]

'I saw a beard'.match(/\bbear/)   //Array ["bear"]

'I saw a beard'.match(/\bbear\b/) //null

'cool_bear'.match(/\bbear\b/)     //null

To know more about Regular Expressions, see my Regular Expressions tutorial.

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