JavaScript Assignment Operator
Learn the basics of the JavaScript Assignment Operator
Use the assignment operator =
to assign a value to a variable:
const a = 2
let b = 2
var c = 2
This operator has several shortcuts for all the arithmetic operators which let you assign to the first operand the result of the operations with the second operand.
They are:
: addition assignment-=
: subtraction assignment*=
: multiplication assignment/=
: division assignment%=
: remainder assignment**=
: exponentiation assignment
let a = 0
a += 5 //a === 5
a -= 2 //a === 3
a *= 2 //a === 6
a /= 2 //a === 3
a %= 2 //a === 1
To be clear, the above operations are executed one after another, so
at the end is 1, not 0
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