How to replace all filenames with space with underscore using a shell script
I had to replace all filenames in a folder, recursively, with space with underscore.
This is one of the one-off operations I need to do while working on my website, and I don’t really want to, for example, search, install (buy) an app just to do that.
Here’s the Fish Shell script I used:
# define the directory to search
set search_dir ./
# recursively find all files in the search directory
find $search_dir -type f | while read -l file
# replace spaces with underscores in the file name
set new_name (echo $file | tr ' ' '_')
# rename the file
mv $file $new_name
I put this in the folder containing all the files and folders I wanted to rename, named
Then I set it as executable using chmod +x
and finally ran it using ./
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