How to access configuration values in Astro components
UPDATE 23 Jan 2023: I just found out this does not work any more in latest Astro (had an older version..). Not sure why, some rollup error I can’t find on Google and don’t have the time to figure out. So now I just write in a
file instead, and load that instead ofastro.config.mjs
I had the need to have a global flag on my site, and when that flag was true
I wanted to display something. If false
, I wanted that information to be hidden, on multiple page components.
So, a single flag to change how the site looked.
Here’s what I did.
I put that flag in astro.config.mjs
export default /** @type {import('astro').AstroUserConfig} */ ({
renderers: ['@astrojs/renderer-react'],
devOptions: {
tailwindConfig: './tailwind.config.cjs',
signupsOpen: false,
Note the last entry signupsOpen
. That’s the one I added.
Then I referenced that value in every component I wanted to use it.
Something like this:
import Config from '../../astro.config.mjs'
{Config.signupsOpen && <p>flag is true</p>}
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