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Python Tuples

Tuples are another fundamental Python data structure.

They allow you to create immutable groups of objects. This means that once a tuple is created, it can’t be modified. You can’t add or remove items.

They are created in a way similar to lists, but using parentheses instead of square brackets:

names = ("Roger", "Syd")

A tuple is ordered, like a list, so you can get its values referencing an index value:

names[0] # "Roger"
names[1] # "Syd"

You can also use the index() method:

names.index('Roger') # 0
names.index('Syd')   # 1

As with strings and lists, using a negative index will start searching from the end:

names[-1] # True

You can count the items in a tuple with the len() function:

len(names) # 2

You can check if an item is contained into a tuple with the in operator:

print("Roger" in names) # True

You can also extract a part of a tuple, using slices:

names[0:2] # ('Roger', 'Syd')
names[1:] # ('Syd',)

Get the number of items in a tuple using the len() global function, the same we used to get the length of a string:

len(names) #2

You can create a sorted version of a tuple using the sorted() global function:


You can create a new tuple from existing tuples using the + operator:

newTuple = names + ("Vanille", "Tina")

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