Store Vue data to localStorage using Vuex
Learn how to store Vuex data automatically to localStorage or sessionStorage
When talking about storing data, there are various ways to persist data.
One is very simple, it’s perfect for prototypes, and it’s storing the data using the Web Storage API: localStorage and sessionStorage.
Using Vue you can make use of that API in many ways. One of the simplest ones is to rely on the vuex-persist
You install it using npm or Yarn:
npm install vuex-persist
yarn add vuex-persist
Open the Vuex store file, and add:
import VuexPersist from 'vuex-persist'
Initialize VuexPersist:
const vuexPersist = new VuexPersist({
key: 'my-app',
storage: window.localStorage
is the key that’s used in the localStorage database.
Change localStorage
with sessionStorage
to use that other storage system (each has its own peculiarities, see the Web Storage API document I linked above).
Next up, add vuexPersist
to the list of Vuex plugins, when initializing the store:
const store = new Vuex.Store({
plugins: [vuexPersist.plugin]
That’s it! Any time the store is changed, the library will persist it to the browser.
There are more advanced capabilities you can find out on the official documentation, but these are the basics to get you started.
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