Roadmap to become a Vue.js 2 developer in 2020
This is a graph I made with the technologies that will make you a well-rounded developer proficient in Vue.js programming.
I found out the React Developer Roadmap on the web, and I decided to make one for Vue.
To be a proficient Vue.js developer, you need to learn:
- the basics of how the Web works
- the DOM
- how browsers work
- the JavaScript basics, event handling, the newest ES6-7-8 features
- Git
- how to use the terminal
- the Vue basics
- webpack
- how to install packages using npm or yarn
- how to run tasks using npm scripts
- CSS modern tools: SASS, PostCSS
- a CSS framework like Tailwind or Bootstrap or another
- how to use CSS in JS using Single File Components
- how to manage state using component state or vuex, and its libraries
- how to check types using prop types or TypeScript
- how to handle routing using vue-router
- how to consume APIs using GraphQL/Apollo/REST using axios or fetch
- use an utility library like lodash or moment
- how to test using Jest and the Vue Test Utils
- how to perform end to end testing using Cypress or Puppeteer or others
- how to build a desktop Vue app using Electron
- how to internationalize an app using
- how to implement server-side rendering
The list could grow indefinitely, but those are the basics of a well-rounded Vue developer 😇
→ Get my Vue.js 2 Handbook
I wrote 19 books to help you become a better developer:
- HTML Handbook
- Next.js Pages Router Handbook
- Alpine.js Handbook
- HTMX Handbook
- TypeScript Handbook
- React Handbook
- SQL Handbook
- Git Cheat Sheet
- Laravel Handbook
- Express Handbook
- Swift Handbook
- Go Handbook
- PHP Handbook
- Python Handbook
- Linux Commands Handbook
- C Handbook
- JavaScript Handbook
- CSS Handbook
- Node.js Handbook