The Vue.js 2 Cheat Sheet
Common commands and instructions you'll use in your day-to-day Vue.js coding sessions
- Directives
- Working with form elements
- Modifying events
- Mouse event modifiers
- Submit an event only if a particular key is pressed
- Keyboard event modifiers
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Built-in components
- Global Configuration of the Vue object
- Methods of the Vue object
- Options passed to a Vue object
- Instance properties
Directives are attributes identified by the v-
Directive | Description |
v-text | uses the property as the text value of the element |
v-html | uses the property as the text value of the element, interpreting HTML |
v-if | show an element only if the conditional is true |
v-else | shows an alternative element if the preceding v-if is false |
v-else-if | adds an else if block for a v-if construct |
v-show | similar to v-if , but adds the element to the DOM even if falsy. Just sets it to display: none . |
v-for | iterates over an array or iterable object |
v-on | listen to DOM events |
v-bind | reactively update an HTML attribute |
v-model | sets up a two-way binding for form inputs. used in form elements, updates the model when the user changes the form field value |
v-once | applies the property just once, and never refreshes it even if the data passed changes |
and v-on
have a shorthand format:
<a v-bind:href="url">...</a>
<a :href="url">...</a>
<a v-on:click="doSomething">...</a>
<a @click="doSomething">...</a>
Example of v-if
/ v-else
/ v-else-if
<div v-if="type === 'A'">
it's A
<div v-else-if="type === 'B'">
it's B
<div v-else-if="type === 'C'">
it's C
<div v-else>
it's neither one
You can embed a conditional in an expression using the ternary operator:
{{ isTrue ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
Working with form elements
To make the model update when the change event occurs, and not any time the user presses a key, you can use v-model.lazy
instead of just v.model
Working with input fields, v-model.trim
is useful because it automatically removes whitespace.
And if you accept a number instead than a string, make sure you use v-model.number
Modifying events
I use click
as an example, but applies to all possible events
trigger a native DOM event instead of a Vue eventv-on:click.stop
stop the click event propagationv-on:click.passive
makes use of the passive option of addEventListenerv-on:click.capture
use event capturing instead of event bubblingv-on:click.self
make sure the click event was not bubbled from a child event, but directly happened on that elementv-on:click.once
the event will only be triggered exactly oncev-on:submit.prevent
: callevent.preventDefault()
on the triggered submit event, used to avoid a form submit to reload the page
For more on propagation, bubbling/capturing see my JavaScript events guide.
Mouse event modifiers
v-on:click .left
triggers only on left mouse button clickv-on:click .right
triggers only on right mouse button clickv-on:click .middle
triggers only on middle mouse button click
Submit an event only if a particular key is pressed
Keyboard event modifiers
Only trigger the event if a particular keyboard key is also pressed:
(cmd on Mac, windows key on Win)
v-bind .prop
bind a prop instead of an attributev-bind .camel
use camelCase for the attribute namev-bind .sync
a syntactic sugar that expands into av-on
handler for updating the bound value. See this.
Lifecycle Hooks
called before the app is createdcreated
called after the app is createdbeforeMount
called before the app is mounted on the DOMmounted
called after the app is mounted on the DOMbeforeDestroy
called before the app is destroyeddestroyed
called after the app is destroyedbeforeUpdate
called before a property is updatedupdated
called after a property is updatedactivated
called when a kept-alive component is activateddeactivated
called when a kept-alive component is deactivated
Built-in components
Vue provides 5 built-in components:
Global Configuration of the Vue object
The Vue.config
object has these properties, which you can modify when you create the instance:
Property | Description |
silent | defaults to false, if true suppress logs and warnings |
optionMergeStrategies | allows to define a custom merging strategy for options |
devtools | defaults to true in development, and false in production. You can override those values. |
errorHandler | allows to set an error handler function. Useful to hook Sentry and other similar services |
warnHandler | allows to set a warning handler function, similar to errorHandler , but for warnings instead of errors |
ignoredElements | used to let Vue ignore custom elements defined outside of it, like Web Components. |
keyCodes | let you define custom key aliases for v-on |
performance | defaults to false. If set to true, traces the performance of Vue components in the Browser DevTools. |
productionTip | defaults to true. Set to false to disable the warning “you’re in development mode” during development in the console. |
Methods of the Vue object
Method | Description |
Vue.extend | allows to subclass the Vue object, to create a custom profile |
Vue.nextTick | defers the callback to be executed after the next DOM update cycle |
Vue.set | add a property to the object |
Vue.delete | delete a property from the object |
Vue.directive | set (or get) a global directive |
Vue.filter | set (or get) a global filter |
Vue.component | set (or get) a global component |
Vue.use | install a Vue.js plugin |
Vue.mixin | set a global mixin |
Vue.compile | compile a template string into a render function |
Vue.version | returns the currently installed version of Vue |
Options passed to a Vue object
When initializing a Vue object, you pass in an object:
const vm = new Vue({
This object accepts a number of properties.
Property | Description |
data | allows to pass a set of reactive data that will be used by the Vue app. All reactive properties must be added at initialization time, you can’t add new ones later. |
props | it’s a set of attributes that are exposed to parent components as input data. |
propsData | default data for props. Only useful during testing |
methods | a set of methods that are defined on the Vue instance |
computed | like methods, but cached internally |
watch | allows to watch properties, and call a function when they change |
Example of defining data, methods and computed properties:
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#example',
data: {
message: 'Hello'
methods: {
reverseMessageAsMethod: function () {
return this.message.split('').reverse().join('')
computed: {
// a computed getter
reversedMessage: function () {
// `this` points to the vm instance
return this.message.split('').reverse().join('')
console.log(vm.reverseMessageAsMethod) // => 'olleH'
vm.message = 'Goodbye'
console.log(vm.reversedMessage) // => 'eybdooG'
sets the DOM element where the instance mounts on. It can be a CSS Selector, or an HTMLElementtemplate
is a template, represented as a string, that will replace the mounted elementrender
alternatively to define the template, you can define a template using a render functionrenderError
set an alternative output when the function attached torender
Vue instance assets
the set of directives to associate to the Vue instancefilters
the set of filters to associate to the Vue instancecomponents
the set of components to associate to the Vue instance
Vue composition options
specifies the parent instancemixins
sets an array of mixin objectsextends
extend another component
Other Vue object options
setting a name to the component lets you invoke it, useful in debugging or when you need to recursively add a component in its templatefunctional
if true, sets the component to be stateless (nodata
) and instanceless (nothis
), making it more lightweightmodel
allows to customize the property used in events, useful for example when interacting with formscomments
defaults to false. If set to true, retains the HTML comments that are put in templates
Instance properties
Given an instance of Vue, stored into a variable const vm = new Vue(/*...*/)
, you can inspect and interact with it.
Properties of a Vue instance
the data object associated to the instancevm.$props
the props the instance has receivedvm.$el
the DOM element to which the instance is boundvm.$options
the object used to instantiate the Vue instancevm.$parent
the parent instancevm.$root
the root instance (if this is the root instance, this points to itself)vm.$children
an array of children instancesvm.$slots
an array of the associated slots contained in the templatevm.$scopedSlots
an array of the associated scoped slotsvm.$refs
an object that contains a property for each element pointed by aref
attribute defined in the templatevm.$isServer
true if the Vue instance is running on the server (useful in server-side rendering)vm.$attrs
an object of attributes that are provided to the component but not defined as propsvm.$listeners
an object ofv-on
event listeners assigned to the component
Methods Data
set up a watcher for property changes in the Vue data. It can also watch for value changes inside objectsvm.$set
set a propertyvm.$delete
delete a property
triggers a custom event on thevm
Vue instancevm.$on
listen for a custom event on thevm
Vue instancevm.$once
, but listens only oncevm.$off
removes an event listener from the Vue instance
Lifecycle Methods
mount a Vue instance on a DOM element, in case it was not mounted yetvm.$forceUpdate
force thevm
Vue instance to re-render. Does not force child components to rerender.vm.$nextTick
accepts a callback and schedules that for the next DOM update cyclevm.$destroy
destroys the application and remove all child components, observers and listeners
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