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The HTML `iframe` tag

Discover the basics of working with the HTML `iframe` tag

The iframe tag allows us to embed content coming from other origins (other sites) into our web page.

Technically, an iframe creates a new nested browsing context. This means that anything in the iframe does not interfere with the parent page, and vice versa. JavaScript and CSS do not “leak” to/from iframes.

Many sites use iframes to perform various things. You might be familiar with Codepen, Glitch or other sites that allow you to code in one part of the page, and you see the result in a box. That’s an iframe.

You create one this way:

<iframe src="page.html"></iframe>

You can load an absolute URL, too:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

You can set a set of width and height parameters (or set them using CSS) otherwise the iframe will use the defaults, a 300x150 pixels box:

<iframe src="page.html" width="800" height="400"></iframe>


The srcdoc attribute lets you specify some inline HTML to show. It’s an alternative to src, but recent and not supported in Edge 18 and lower, and in IE:

<iframe srcdoc="<p>My dog is a good dog</p>"></iframe>


The sandbox attribute allows us to limit the operations allowed in the iframes.

If we omit it, everything is allowed:

<iframe src="page.html"></iframe>

If we set it to "", nothing is allowed:

<iframe src="page.html" sandbox=""></iframe>

We can select what to allow by adding options in the sandbox attribute. You can allow multiple ones by adding a space in between. Here’s an incomplete list of the options you can use:


Currently experimental and only supported by Chromium-based browsers, this is the future of resource sharing between the parent window and the iframe.

It’s similar to the sandbox attribute, but lets us allow specific features, including:


When loading an iframe, the browser sends it important information about who is loading it in the Referer header (notice the single r, a typo we must live with).

The misspelling of referrer originated in the original proposal by computer scientist Phillip Hallam-Baker to incorporate the field into the HTTP specification. The misspelling was set in stone by the time of its incorporation into the Request for Comments standards document RFC 1945

The referrerpolicy attribute lets us set the referrer to send to the iframe when loading it. The referrer is an HTTP header that lets the page know who is loading it. These are the allowed values:

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