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Python, create a network request

Python offers us the urllib standard library package to create network requests.

Create a request using:

from urllib import request
url = ''

response = request.urlopen(url)
content =


You can also use the with statement to simplify

from urllib import request
url = ''

with request.urlopen(url) as response:
   content =


The response is a sequence of bytes, as you will notice because the response is wrapped in a b'' string:


Decode it to a UTF-8 encoded string using content.decode('utf-8')

This gets the HTML content from my website

from urllib import request

url = ''

with request.urlopen(url) as response:
   content ='utf-8')


You can parse the response as JSON, using the json standard library module:

from urllib import request
import json

url = ''

with request.urlopen(url) as response:
   content =

data = json.loads(content)

If you need to specify query parameters, use the urllib.parse() method to build the query string:

from urllib import request, parse
url = ''

parms = {
    'limit' : 5,
    'page' : 1,
    'order' : 'Desc'

querystring = parse.urlencode(parms)

with request.urlopen(url + '?' + querystring) as response:
   content ='utf-8')


This is the built-in urllib package.

For convenience purposes, you might want to use the requests package, not part of the Python standard library but quite popular.

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